FACAS manufactures telescopic ladders of the highest quality
With valid patents and certifications. The ladders conform to applicable EN131-6:2019 standards and are all RI.SE and SINTEF certificated.
Distributor of
Based on the strategy to sell unique products, FACAS are having the patent rights on a locking mechanism for telescopic ladders for the newest EN Norm.
Alve are the biggest czech producer of aluminium ladders, stepladders and working platforms for home and professional use. They are continuously extending their range by additional products and goods.
FACAL is an Italian family-run business specialized in access equipment’s manufacturing, i.e. ladders and scaffoldings, made from aluminum, iron and fiberglass.
FACAS is a distributor of Silkeborg Stigefabrik A/S for some selected customers in Scandinavia. Silkeborg Stigefabrik is the largest producer in Denmark for ladders.
FACAS has patent rights for Telescopic Ladders in Europe